Induction forging

A whole range of components are being “forged” by the use of induction heating as a heat source.

Inductive forging makes it possible to control the temperature and position of the area to be heated very accurately and thus leads to a high final quality and repeatability. Complete lingot’s or rod ends can be rapidly heated to a precise temperature. Accurate “metal flow” and snail reduction are guaranteed. As with most forging processes components have to be heated through and through until the center of the object. Forging temperatures will be between 1100 °C and 1300 °C, in some cases induction coils need to be insulated with special materials in order to limit heat load to the coil.

Inductive forging is cleaner, more accurate and less prone to various metallurgical defects compared to gas or other methods of heating.

Inductive forging is energy efficient as the heat is internally generated within the components, therefor production costs are reduced.

Multifarious ranges in forms as small fasteners used in the aerospace sector, to crank shafts, propeller shafts and other large parts can be treated with inductive forging.